UNDERPIN Presented at ADMA TranS4MErs Final Event in Brussels

4 Dec, 2024
UNDERPIN Brussels 1

On November 28th, Tiko Pro, the lead on Communication and Dissemination, attended the ADMA TranS4MErs Final Event in Brussels, presenting the UNDERPIN project.

This remarkable gathering marked the culmination of three years of work by the ADMA TranS4MErs consortium, a project dedicated to supporting SMEs in their journey toward manufacturing excellence and Industry 4.0 transformation.

Lessons learnt at ADMA TranS4MErs Final Event

The event brought together key stakeholders from the manufacturing sector, including representatives from SMEs, innovation hubs, and policy-making bodies. The discussions centered on the experiences gathered during the project:

  • Exploring strategies to help SMEs navigate the complexities of Industry 4.0.
  • Enhancing skills and knowledge within SMEs to adopt and sustain digital innovations.
  • Strengthening networks across Europe to create a cohesive support system for manufacturing transformation.

The insights and lessons accumulated over ADMA TranS4MErs’ three-year journey are invaluable for UNDERPIN and other projects focused on supporting SMEs. These include best practices in guiding SMEs through their transformation processes, fostering collaborations with Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), aligning stakeholders in the manufacturing ecosystem, and understanding their needs and challenges.

The UNDERPIN project was presented by Mrs Sandra Bortek from Tiko Pro (Communication and Dissemination lead) during the afternoon networking session, alongside other projects focused on supporting SMEs in the manufacturing sector. By creating the UNDERPIN Data Space, the project is revolutionizing collaboration for European manufacturers, emphasizing data sovereignty and collaboration between SMEs and industry giants to drive innovation in products and services.

This event provided an opportunity to build new connections by engaging with European Digital Innovation Hubs and SMEs to explore collaborative opportunities, learn from ADMA TranS4MErs’ successes and challenges to enhance the tools and strategies employed within UNDERPIN, and identify overlapping goals to ensure that efforts across projects complement rather than duplicate each other.

The synergies between the projects presented at the event are numerous, particularly in their shared emphasis on manufacturing, SME support, and digital transformation.

Moving Forward

The connections made at the ADMA TranS4MErs Final Event have opened new doors for UNDERPIN. By leveraging the collective knowledge and networks established during the event, we aim to drive impactful change in the manufacturing sector and connect with SMEs closely associated with the energy sector.

We extend our gratitude to the ADMA TranS4MErs event organization board for the opportunity to present the efforts behind the UNDERPIN Data Space and for hosting such a successful gathering.

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